Thursday, April 28, 2016

Words and Maps Come Home

In another era I could have been a cartographer. In this era I have been a linguist. Over the past few years I've indulged my taste for these two fields by sharing numerous fun posts related to words or maps to my Facebook timeline. The problem is, they all fall off the bottom of the page. So I decided to collect them here, two interests in one blog.

A little "how-to" interlude. To find all those posts I went to my FB activity log, tediously scrolled down all the months, and copied the link to every Fun with Words or Maps item I've ever shared. Then I set up in Blogger and used this tip to learn how to embed them here. Oh, and in between I also googled library and map images, found two that were copyright free, and used Photoshop Elements to mash up a filtered, color-tweaked image for the blog background.

Today starts the transfer of all those lovely nerdy 'shares' to this new home, where, alongside future wordy-mappy finds, they will live happily ever after. With you!

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