Friday, May 27, 2016

Fun with Maps: Internship

So I started my first SLP internship this week. Found this nice little 'map' and a brief article on three simple tips for employers of interns. I received the first of these on day one, will be regularly asking for the third, and found out the second one is in the files but outdated. Good to know these tips to know what to look for and ask for!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Maps: Are you Safe?

This map site allows those in Bangladesh to let their friends and loved ones know how they made it through the recent cyclone. It's a quick way to get the word out. Share it to those you know who live and work where Cyclone Roanu just visited.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Fun with Words: Hair Color!

Check out this amazing etymological summary about the words 'red' and 'hair' at Grammar Girl. I re-post this in honor of my one sister of seven siblings who inherited grandma's red hair.

Oh, and by the way. You might find this tip useful. Whenever I want to find out easily what Grammar Girl advises on a tricky grammar item, I just google, for example, "grammar girl hyphens". Because Grammar Girl is housed on another site with lots of other non-grammarly tips, googling this way returns a link at the top of the search results that takes me straight to the right page.

You're welcome!

Fun with Maps: Middle Earth

Like Tolkien, as a kid I also messed around with hand-drawn maps and imaginary people living and running around on them, although not to the extent he did! Remembering this, however, prompted a google search for "JRR Tolkien Map" and I came across this interactive beauty to share with you.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Maps Not so Fun: Dioxane Plume

Thanks to social media, I have now been enlightened about a potential drinking water contamination in nearby Ann Arbor.

Find the relevant Facebook page here and the relevant website here.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Fun with Maps and Words: Wedding Map Art

May seems to be wedding month among my friends, so curiosity spurred my googling for wedding map art. Bypassing several offerings of more than one or two hundred dollars, I found this sweet, up-to-date, techie, and very affordable find on Etsy. I'm not ordering it mind you, I just wanted to see what was out there that fit all those cool adjectives!

You can find it in this Etsy shop:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Fun with Words: Apraxia

For those whose words, due to speech muscle motor planning issues, fill up their minds but don't get spoken: Apraxia Awareness Day is May 14.

Some other informative links you can check out:
Apraxia Kids
The Apraxia Connection
What is Apraxia?

Fun with Words: Quote

Friday, May 6, 2016

Fun with Words: Chewy

Pretty appropriate for just a few days after "May the Fourth be With You"!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fun with Words: Advertising

Fun with Words: Pronunciation

Fun with Words: Puns

Fun with Maps: Migration

Where did everyone in your state come from? Click here to see an article and map.

Fun with Words: Animal Therapy

Click here to see the whole cartoon.

Maps: Winter 2015-2016

Fun with Words: Gift of Power

Fun with Maps: Bangladesh

Fun with Words: Shakespeare

Fun with Words: Bookworm

Maps: Domestic Violence

As the original poster at Grammarly said: Oh English you Scoundrel!

Fun with Maps: Travel

How to see everything cool in the USA in one continuous road trip:

Fun with Words: Math

Only people who love words as much as I do would be so in love with this T-shirt:

Fun with Maps: State Languages

Click here for a view of "the most commonly spoken language other than English or Spanish in each state".

Fun with Words: Dyslexia Font

Fun with Maps: Fiction!

And I've heard of a bit over half of them. How about you?

Maps: Floods

Fun with Wordlessness

Post-it notes are usually used for words. But this time, for super fun office wallpaper!

Fun with Maps: American Duck

The first in a possible series of animalistic maps.

Fun with Words: Sign Language

Fun with Maps: Bangladesh

Ever tried to get a grasp on the size of Bangladesh? Keep in mind, it's population is pretty near half of the USA's.