Sunday, September 18, 2016

Fun with Maps: Ocean

Also, see videos and diagrams of how the Mid-Atlantic ridge and the East Pacific Rise, balanced by the Marianna Trench and the San Andreas Fault are like the beginnings and endings of sea floor spreading and continental drift.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fun with Words: Holonovel

50th anniversary of Star Trek this month, plus a 3-day virus, prompted blurry-eyed watching of Voyager re-runs on Netflix. Today's highlight: the trekky literature genre of the holonovel. Best episode so far: the Holonovel gone wrong in S3:E25:

Definition of holonovel here.

Fun with Words: Adjectives! Order!

Linguistic order! Oh my beating heart.

Fun with Words: New Verb

So, according to the news site and dictionary site below, we now have an abbreviation masquerading as a fully inflected transitive verb: I.D'd. Very interesting!

(You do have to play the news clip to see the verb scroll past in the ticker.) Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2016.

Fun with Maps and Words

Where is your geological dialect? Click through to take the Quiz!

Fun with Words: Hoarding!

Fun with Words: Phonetic Puns!

How can my linguini heart not love these? Puns and phonetics!

But wait! there's more, and more, and more!

Fun with Words: Oh beautiful words!